Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Enjoying life

Not a whole lot to say right now, just taking in all the great sites and great people around us.


  1. such beautiful sights! so happy for you and your family! wow<3:) the sagebrush(?) at your door, rainbows... amazing jesse.

    1. Thanks Vanessa! Yes, sagebrush, all the plant life smells so amazing there. I can send you some if you'd like! We're back in Kansas City for a little while, but we picked a bunch before we left.

  2. Saw some more pics on tumblr. So is this your new home?

    Love the one of you & girls in trailer. All of you look so happy.! Yay!

    1. Yes, it will be eventually! We were just staying there for a month, getting to know the land and figuring out where to put the house (and digging up some stumps that were in that area). It's so great there, I can't wait to become a permanent resident (by next spring for sure!).

  3. Jesse, I would love some sagebrush. I picked a tiny bundle while in Utah, thought of you. Anyhow, excited for you and these amazing days. By next spring that's very soon, can't wait to see... xx
